Welcome to Blog posts

In addition to information on my albums (at the bottom of the blogs) and music updates, there are postings around regenerative gardening and farming and a radio show Jaye and I host.  As for music, I will be at the Mostly Modern Festival again, in June 2024.  I have a new piece, “Normalizing Evil”, not a cheerful topic but timely.  I will be posting audio and information on this piece in late April.  Thanks for visiting, and enjoy the posts below!

Biological Soil Amendments

In addition to cover crops, mulching, keeping ground always covered in plants, there are some healthy nontoxic things to spray on trees, shrubs, and crops or soil drench.  Nigel Palmer was on our radio show in 2023 and here is that show:

The Holistic Orchard Network has recipes also specific to oversoming  fruit tree challenges.  https://groworganicapples.org/